Monday, 8 October 2012

BLACK MILK// der kuss dress reviews // 6 Month ANNIVERSARY

2 days ago I celebrated our 6 month anniversary with my boyfriend.

I don't think I've ever mentioned on the blog because life has been so hectic but the friend I mentioned a while back was really there for me when my last relationship ended. I was miserable and didn't know what to do with myself or anything in my life really, and he was there. I didn't expect anything to happen ever but it turns out to be a happy ending.

Here are some photos my friend Sukhraj of Sukhraj Bhattal photography took for us! He's amazing and if you're in the Vancouver area and want to have him take photos for you, I highly recommend it. Sukhraj is versatile and can take portrait/glam/cosplay photos easily. He's often taken my cosplay pics at cons too ehehe.

We celebrated earlier in the week with a nice dinner and went clubbing for our friend's birthday whose event was the same day L O L

I think I've outgrown clubbing though. It's so tiring. My old body had to drag itself into work the next afternoon and I suffered orz|||

I have so many new things that I budgeted myself for.
;A; So happy to have these in my possession at last.

I managed to grab the Black Milk dress [my first one] during their anniversary sale so everything was 20% off!

If anyone knows me, they know Klimt is my favorite painter and I love 'The Kiss'
I even did one of my art final projects on him, trying to emulate his style. Ahaha.
It's so inspiring to have a painting of his on my body. Even if it's only a print dress.


Black Milk has rave reviews from other bloggers so I had to see what the fuss was about.
The fabric is amazing. I'm not very curvy, but this dress has a way of accentuating the good and glossing over the not so awesome parts of your body!

I have instagram now too! follow me @ rundevinrun

My beautiful friend Hannah took these photos. She's a model in Vancouver and does some work regularly. Gorgeous girl, gorgeous photos, gorgeous soul <3


  1. If you don't mind me asking, what size is your forever 21 dress (I have the same one, which is why I'm asking), and what size is your blackmilk dress?

  2. Hi there! My FXXI dress is a size small but I wish it was an XS. It's a bit loose on me sadly

    And my BM dress is an XS and it fits perfectly~
